Monday brought another 41C day - and a reminder to animal owners to MAKE SURE YOUR PETS ARE IN THE SHADE AND HAVE ACCESSIBLE WATER. I won't go into details, but I helped move two dogsinto shade and by water. I'm not sure if one had a happy outcome. The other is fine.
Writing - stalled, thanks to above and other mess-ups (the neverending phone saga). Not happy.
MtBs: Watering the seedlings at the summit. Thanks Stephanie who started this earlier in the week.
Birds (over 4 days): Wrens, babblers, thornies, 4 x fantails in one tree (from their behaviour, it looked like Mum, Dad and 2 kids), shrike-thrush, AND...RBFs in my front yard at home (!!), Heard: GW, spiney - and 2 kestrels hunting in the entrance paddock! HOW GORGEOUS!
Hoping Cyclone Narelle brings rain.
Happy writing