25th April: Circuit Track, Entrance Road, Summit
RBFs + wrens + tbills in a bunch, fantails, y/f hes, spineys playing, clogs
Heard: ravens, pies, curras, babblers, pardies
26th April: Circuit Track, Entrance Road, Summit
Mr & Mrs GW (not calling), fantails, wrens, y/f h/es, spineys, t/bills, babblers, rosies, curras, wattlebirds
27th April: Circuit Track, Entrance Road, Summit (windy)
Y/f h/es, curras, pies, pardies (H), wrens (H), shrikeysx2 - calling (which I recorded) and mimicking currawongs (!), Mrs GW (see pic), y/r t-bills, striated t-bills, rosies, spineys, babblers (MOST IN CAR PARK)
28th April: Fire Track to Quarry
Pardies & Black-capped sitellas in the same dead tree, fantails + t-bills together, curras, sulphurs (H), Willie (on entrance road), MR GW (at quarry), rosies, wrens, clogs, y/f hes, corellas (large flock).
Back to work tomorrow - starting with a PD Day, students back on Tuesday. It's been a wonderful two week break; hard to psyche up to the rat race. And yes, back to once a week blog posts.
Happy writing (and wish I were bushwalking too)