The good news: RAIN and RUNNING WATER! Yes, after around 60mm of rain this week, water was running along the side of the road and some of the paths were...gasp...WET!!
Bird list for Saturday: fantails (one on the cairn), wrens, t-bills, pardies (H), y/f h/es, curras (H), ravens, rosies, clogs, kookas (H), shrikey and spineys.
I spent a "greenie" Saturday morning with "The Summiteers" - the Bush for Life mini-BAT team (BAT = Bush Action Team) that care for the Mt Barker Summit Reserve. Led by the amazing Angela, we removed sporaxsis (weeds) near the carpark to try and reduce its spread. The root bulbs went much deeper than we'd all remembered!
In the afternoon, I attended ASA's Negotiating Publishing Contracts workshop at SAWC with the wonderful Alex Adsett from Alex Adsett Publishing Services. Brilliant workshop (!!) and we learned heaps about copyright, publishing contracts, clauses, and options and tricks for negotiations. I seriously recommend these workshops to anyone who's near publishing stage or already publishing - essential information for any writer!
Bird list for Sunday: pardies, y/f h/es, t-bills (brown? striated? little?), curras (H), pies, corellas, galahs, kookas (H), ravens, clogs, wrens, GWs (male and female on separate tracks on the west side), babblers (H), rosies, spineys, shrikeys, peepers, AND I was told off by a Weebill - my first seen at MtBS!
This afternoon I worked on the amendments to The Isthmus. As the book is expanding out to full novel status, I sent my synopsis to Writer's Digest for feedback. I'm using their advice, plus the advice and ideas from a wonderful friend and colleague (thanks Martina) to add a (longer living) female character. That'll take a month or so to add in. I'm enjoying her character already!
I recommend contacting Writers Digest "2nd Draft" options for feedback on synopsis (etc). Check it out at
Will write more soon!
Happy writing